We had the pleasure of welcoming Netflix star Nono Konopka to Berenberg's Learning & Development programme.

The Magic of Discomfort – Keynote with Netflix Star Nono Konopka
As a child, Nono Konopka couldn't stand riding a bike – yet in his mid-twenties, he cycled 15,000 kilometers from Berlin to Beijing. Despite this. Or perhaps because of it. On July 3rd, Nono Konopka spoke at our Hamburg headquarters about the "Magic of Discomfort" and why it is worth stepping out of one's comfort zone.

Impulse & Network – a Format from Our In-House Training Program
Around 60 colleagues and Berenberg partner Christian Kühn took the opportunity to attend his keynote as part of our in-house training program. Many enjoyed the view of the sparkling Alster from the 10th floor of the headquarters afterward and exchanged thoughts on the keynote over snacks and drinks. This is what characterizes the "Impulse & Network" format – one of many in our training program for our employees. In addition to "Lunch & Learn" and "Impulse & Network" sessions, we also offer seminars, webinars, and inspiring lectures from colleagues who provide insights into their work.

A Village in Guatemala and the Start of the Journey
The "Impulse & Network" evening was opened by Nadja Casper from our Learning and Development team. After a brief introduction, Konopka explained the background of his "bike tour," which led to both the book "Lessons for a Really Good Life" and the Netflix documentary "Biking Borders." In 2017, he lived for a while in Mexico and traveled through Central America. While volunteering at a school in a poor village in Guatemala, his desire to make a positive impact grew. This eventually led to the idea of the "bike tour" with his friend Max.

Fascinating Insights – No Magic Without Challenges
The start of the journey in the summer was initially a lot of fun – sun and sea included. It became less fun later in the Turkish winter, as Konopka illustrated with video clips: meter-high snowdrifts, icy wind, and snowstorms made the stay at just below -30 degrees Celsius anything but pleasant. The journey through Turkmenistan, one of the most isolated countries in the world, was also no cakewalk. "That was a challenge, but good for the campaign," Konopka recalls. The campaign gained significant momentum. US actor Ashton Kutcher, entertainer Joko Winterscheidt, and the Tagesschau shared Nono and Max's videos. Thus, the €50,000 goal was soon reached, and the funding for the first school was secured.

The Secret of Success
"Curiosity was greater than fear," says Konopka. "When you look for magic in a new situation, anything is possible." A crazy idea turned into a project that has moved millions of people worldwide. The eighth school has now been built, and it won't be the last. This shows what can be achieved when you leave your comfort zone. Exactly here is where the reward often awaits us: growth and innovation.

Only Change is Constant – Learning and Development at Berenberg
The inspiring story of Nono Konopka impressively shows how important it is to face new challenges and grow beyond one's comfort zone. This idea is also reflected in our approach to personal development. "Only change is constant." – This is our guiding principle at Berenberg and the answer to why personal development at Berenberg is an important piece of the puzzle. We believe that through the continuous development of our employees, we can best meet the challenges of change. The world of work we operate in is constantly evolving. With our individual training offerings, we respond flexibly to these changes and optimally support our employees. It is important to sometimes look beyond the obvious and link topics that may not seem to belong together at first glance – because only then can we continuously broaden our horizons. This is exactly what our "Impulse & Network" format achieves.